"This Flower, whose fragrance tender with sweetness fills the air, Dispels with glorious splendor the darkness everywhere." ~Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming
I have always loved this hymn, though it's rarely sung in any worship setting these days. It reminds me, as this rose that bloomed in my garden in December does, that Christ was born to bring life out of death, especially when and where we least expect it.
It's no accident that Christmas comes at the intersection of the old and new year. Perhaps this past year was full of ashes, bitter tributes to unexpected tragedy or burned up dreams. The pain is real but not unnoticed by the One who is our beginning and end.
This Rose that bloomed in winter is a gentle reminder that new life is possible in what is seemingly the deadest of seasons.
As the New year approaches, my prayer is for His sweet fragrance to surround you and dispel the dark clouds of old away, revealing the bright hope of His love to carry you through.
Indeed, He is our Happy New Year.
For your listening pleasure: