Sometimes, Fences Need Mending

broken fences, broken souls

Sometimes fences need mending. Sometimes the rains come and the weeds grow too fast. Sometimes the wind blows hard and the roof needs repair. Sometimes the walls need to be painted And the to-do list grows faster than the hand can write And the bills pile up as high as […]

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Take My Hand

She can't quite reach out on purpose. But she is trying. Her stretched out fingers were ready to grasp whatever her little palm landed upon. This time it's my own hand. Mama. She stretches them toward me, eyes brimming with delight when she hits her target. She rests them there. […]

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Winter Rose a Sign for the New Year

"This Flower, whose fragrance tender with sweetness fills the air, Dispels with glorious splendor the darkness everywhere." ~Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming I have always loved this hymn, though it's rarely sung in any worship setting these days. It reminds me, as this rose that bloomed in my garden […]

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