3 Key Truths about Financial Freedom

The bus driver slammed the long gear shift into its final position as we rumbled faster down the two-lane highway lined with the full bloom of spring foliage. The wind whipped in hints of diesel through the open windows. With each stop, the long squeal from the air breaks and […]

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Her Name Is Rose

She sat there on the exam table stunned as the words were pronounced.  The bewildering cloud that now hung in the air had immobilized her. The next action should have been simple: Just stand up. But the brain couldn’t think of that. The news they were just given had sucked […]

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Take My Hand

She can't quite reach out on purpose. But she is trying. Her stretched out fingers were ready to grasp whatever her little palm landed upon. This time it's my own hand. Mama. She stretches them toward me, eyes brimming with delight when she hits her target. She rests them there. […]

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Two Thumbs Up, You’ve Got This.

Even after moving so far away, how I treasured the sound of her voice saying whenever I returned, “my baby girl is home,” accompanied by the most generous, unfiltered hug my heart could ever know. Her arms were the best place for my wounded, wandering soul to find its rest. […]

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